Home Wararka Somaliya Ciidamada Dowladda iyo Kuwa Galmudug oo dib ula wareegay Deegaanka Bacadweyne ee...

Ciidamada Dowladda iyo Kuwa Galmudug oo dib ula wareegay Deegaanka Bacadweyne ee Gobalka Mudug {Sawiro}

Army 16th Brigade in particular voltage and Unit 21 showed pictures Bacaadwayne control of state control of Al-Shabaab positions.
Al-Shabaab militants have claimed responsibility for the attack, which took place in the early hours of Monday morning.
The officers will speak to the local community in the coming hours, according to government officials.
Ba’adweyne is now under the control of Galmudug and government forces.
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