Home Wararka Caalamka Dowladda Ingiriiska oo ka hadashay Shirarka Muqdisho uga socda Madaxda Dowlad Gobaleedyada...

Dowladda Ingiriiska oo ka hadashay Shirarka Muqdisho uga socda Madaxda Dowlad Gobaleedyada dalka


Safiirka Ingiriiska  fadhisa Soomaaliya Kate Foster ayaa soodhaweyay wada hadalada u dhaxeeya Madaxda Maamul Goboleedyada ee ka socda magaalada Muqdisho, waxaana ay ku boorisay dowladda Federaalka iyo Dowlad Goboleedyada in ay sii wadaan wada hadalka iyada oo laga duulaayo heshiiskii 17 September.

No Reliable Winning Models Exist. Individuals like to contrast putting resources into the financial exchange with wagering on sports. While the idea of wagering on something and expecting to foresee the result may be fairly comparative, there are some beautiful significant contrasts. In particular, the way that there are no genuine models that exist for sports wagering but you can check my source and find all the needed info in one place. In the event that you’ve at any point done a profound plunge into attempting to track down a decent framework for gambling, you’ve likely run over a lot of articles or books by “specialists” professing to have tracked down a secure method to beat the house. I trust you didn’t pay for this insider content, on the grounds that essentially every last bit of it is counterfeit data that will not really help.

Shirka u socda Madaxda Dowlad Goboleedyada ayaa waxaa looga hadlayaa arrimo dhowr ah oo ay ugu horreyso doorashada dalka ka dhacaysa, taasi oo khilaaf xooggani ka taagan yahay, waxaana Beesha Caalamka ayaa waddaa dadaalo kala duwan oo ay ku dooneyso in Madaxda dowladda Federaalka iyo kuwa maamulada ay heshiis rasmi ah uga gaaran khilaafka ka taagan doorashada ka dhaceysa Soomaaliya.

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