Home Wararka Somaliya Galmudug Sarkaal ka tirsan Kooxda Shabaab oo isku soo dhiibay Galmudug

Sarkaal ka tirsan Kooxda Shabaab oo isku soo dhiibay Galmudug


Administrations military government in the region is presented by senior Al-Shabab, who say he surrendered Ciudanka opportunity.

Ali Ibrahim, a long-time al-Shabaab health official in the Galgadud region, surrendered to the Gorgor forces operating in Galmudug after he said he was dissatisfied with what he said was al-Shabaab’s plight of the Somali people.

Ali Ibrahim, from Elbur district in Galgadud region, has long been a member of Al-Shabaab, and has also been involved in fighting in Galgadud region.

The command of the Somali National Army has repeatedly presented Al-Shabaab officials who have surrendered to the forces.

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